Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Overview

    • Program Outcomes

  • 2


    • Pre-learning Session Overview

    • Pre-learning Session

  • 3

    Module 1: Build an Entrepreneurial Mindset

    • Module 1 Overview

    • Module 1 Session Recording

    • Your Vision Workbook

    • Your Purpose Workbook

    • Your Passion Workbook

  • 4

    Module 1 Bonus Content

    • Your Values Recording

    • Your Values Workbook

    • Your Mission Workbook

    • Your Beliefs Workbook

    • Your Visionboard Workbook

  • 5

    Module 2: The Motivated Entrepreneur

    • Module 2 Overview

    • Module 2 Session Recording

    • Your Motivation Workbook

    • Motivation Infographic (Ryan & Deci)

    • Critical Alignment Model (CAM) Archetypes Handout

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    Module 2 Bonus Content

    • T.O.T.A.L Framework for Strategies

    • Trust and Character

    • Trust and Competence

    • Circle of Influence and Concern

    • Habit 3 - Put First Things First

    • Pain Pleasure Principle

    • The Map is Not The Territory

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    Module 3: Leveraging Your Strengths

    • Module 3 Overview

    • Module 3 Session Recording

    • Your Strengths and Skills Workbook

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    Chapter 3 Bonus Content

    • Character Strengths

    • Habit 4 - Think Win Win

    • Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand then to be Understood

    • Habit 6 - Synergise

    • Overcoming Challenges Using the Critical Alignment Model

    • Overcoming Challenges Using the Critical Alignment Model Workbook

    • OCEAN - The Big Five Factors of Personality

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    Module 4: Planning To Succeed

    • Module 4 Overview

    • Module 4 Session Recording

    • Planning To Succeed Workbook

    • Business Plan Template

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    Module 4 Bonus Content

    • Habit 7 - Sharpen The Saw

    • Prioritising Time

    • Quarterly Planning

    • Weekly and Daily Top 5s

    • Benchmarks and Lead Measures

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    Module 5: Understanding Your Ideal Client

    • Module 5 Overview

    • Module 5 Session Recording

    • Understanding Your Ideal Client Workbook

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    Module 5 Bonus Content

    • Market Message Match

    • Competitor Analysis

    • Principles of Persuasion 1-3

    • Principles of Persuasion 4-6

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    Module 6: Serving Your Ideal Client

    • Module 6 Overview

    • Module 6 Session Recording

    • Serving Your Ideal Client Workbook

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    Module 6 Bonus Content

    • The Mindset and Attitude to Serve Your Clients

    • The Structure and Systems to Serve Your Clients

    • The Habit Loop

    • Maximise Your Potential

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    Bonus Planning Session

    • Bonus Planning Session Overview

    • Bonus Planning Session Recording

    • Business Plan Template

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    Bonus Planning Session Bonus Content

    • Creating Your Character (For Your Brand)